Join Sarah Filzen from Healium Hot Yoga and Kristina Valenti of Illumination Oracle for a celebration of Spring and an afternoon of meditation, yoga, manifestation and tarot reading! Saturday March 23rd, 1:00-4:00 pm. at our Healium Hot Yoga Bay View location.
In this workshop, we will be working specifically with the fire element — which calls fresh, new energy via the suit of Wands (which indicate Spring in Tarot). Wands often stand for spiritual fire as well as action — so we’ll be drawing up powerful energy from within in meditation, before igniting it with a gratitude practice. Then we'll create a list of intentions to add to a beautiful candle ritual with flowers that will hold and supercharge the energy and intention of each participant. Then we’ll flow through a powerful yoga asana class to imbue our physical bodies with tejas (illuminating fire) and together we’ll call in the energy of inner transformation and manifestation. Kristina will pull a few cards for the group to see what collective energy is on the horizon for spring. A limited number of 6 tarot readings will be immediately available after the event, and an email will be sent out a few days prior to sign up on a first-come, first-serve basis. A suggested cash donation of $15 will be appreciated for the private reading.